domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008


I really don’t know much about the world of blogs before this experience but i find it a really amazing world where people could show whatever they want about their interest or personal life. Creating a world where everybody make coments about what they think.

At first i find it kind of weird to create a blog and share it with people that i don’t know, people that i just see a couple of times walking around the university. But with time and
during the semester the blogs become a way to know better the others friends of the class, and a good way to know about their interest in music, about their carreers, movies, fauvorite piece of technology and many others subjects. I found it really interesting to know that i have many things in comon with the others friends of the english class.

Other thing that i like about the blogs is that i think that is a very good way of practicing the writting, is like the perfect complement to the first part of the class, where we practice all the speaking, listening and vocabulary, and that make a very dynamic class and a interesting way of learning the language.

Now the bad things. Maybe the second part of the class was a little bit lonely for say it in some way, like everybody went to the computers room write what they want and then everyone go to theirs home. And in my vision it could be more like the first part of the class where everybody make coments and talk about everything.

In summary the world of blogs had good and bad things like everything in the world, but in this case i think that the balance is positive.

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

Hi classmates, I am not a technology fan and I prefer to be outside playing football, see a movie or just be with my friends so I tried to use the technology the less I can but I think that my favourite technology device is my computer, maybe because I have to use it every day and every time. I study architecture and I have to use the computer mostly for every work I have to do, like make 3D models, render them, made the plans for the projects and create good visual stuff. But the real reason that makes the computer my favourite device is the music, I really enjoy downloading songs from the Internet and listen to groups and songs that I don’t know, I believe that at this moment I have like 40 GB spend in music. By the other hand I like the possibility to talk to many friends at the same time, send archives through the web or just saw videos by you tube. Also I think is very useful to organise things like reunions, parties, a football game or anything you like. I really don’t imagine my life without the computer and all the stuff you can do with it.